Easter Decorations and Gifts
Easter Decorations and Gifts
Easter is a holiday that can sometimes be put on the back burner. Even though the holiday has a large commercial following, there are some things that you can do to make it a special day. It can also be a big drain on a budget. Here are some ideas on gifts and decorations that can help to reduce the money being spent.
Gifts can be something that might be a good option when it comes to kids and Easter. Baskets are not always the answer, but a well-loved gift might be just the trick.

Play Tents are something that you can spend a lot of money on if you desire to. However, they are also a great do it yourself project to get those smiles. iVillage offers the instructions on how to make the tent all on your own.
Jewerly is always a special gift. iVillage offers some great ideas on making braided bracelets that can be enjoyed by anyone on your Easter list. Know of another mother that is in need of some wonderful jewelry. Look at Little Miss Fairytale they make beautiful teething jewelry for mommy. Little Miss even has a few clothing choices that are adorable for the littlest ones on our list.
Decorations are something that can take time to complete. However, they can be made as a wonderful project for you and your children.
Bunny or Egg Garland is one that can be simple and pretty at the same time. Titatoni offers a download that can make it a bit easier to make garland out of bunnies. If you are looking to make eggs you can use any coloring egg with a design, have it colored by the kids and hang on a piece of string. Modern Parents Messy Kids a unique suggestion to making egg garland. This garland is made from those free paint chips you get when trying to decide the best colors to paint with.
Origami Bunny Baskets is a decoration that your older children can enjoy helping make and not feel like they are making something babyish. Origami Sprirt offers directions on how to make origami bunnies. These bunnies have an open back allowing for chocolates, jellybeans, or any other little treat to be placed there.
Creating a magical Easter does not depend on the money you can spend. Many times, it is about the time you spend. Making decorations or gifts can be worth the time. Although, if making everything is not best, then finding that perfect thing might be even better.