4 Simple Old Fashioned Tips for Looking Fresh and Fabulous Even on the Most Sleepless Teething Nights

Staying up all night with a teething baby can leave your eyes and face puffy in the morning. In order to look and feel your best as a parent of a teething baby you may believe that you have to invest in an expensive cream to combat the puffiness.
The unfortunate reality is that many of the beauty products out there that claim to combat puffiness and swelling of the facial tissues contain chemical agents such as caffeine and alcohol. Alcohols and caffeine ultimately dehydrate the skin. There is no doubt that dehydrated the skin will superficially appear to look less puffy, but that is only because you are dehydration of the skin. Dehydrated skin ages more quickly; therefore products with increased amounts of caffeine and alcohol should be avoided. Luckily, there is a simple and less dehydrating solution for looking your best after a long night up soothing the baby.
Whenever your face is looking a little puffy, simply fill a bowl with ice and water.
Then wash your face for two to three minutes with the ice cold water from the bowl and say, ‘Goodbye’ to the facial puffiness!
If the facial ice bath still doesn’t get you the result that you want, using your tongue, hold an ice cube at the roof of your mouth. This will help reduce the swelling from the inside of your body and will be felt all throughout the all the facial tissues.
Make icing fun by infusing your ice cubes with fruit, natural dyes, or by purchasing a fun shaped ice cube mold!
Another great suggestion for parents of teething babies is to purchase a couple extra teething rings for yourself to keep in the freezer. That way when baby has a frozen teething toy to entertain them, you too can lay back with your own teething rings, relax, and soothe yourself by placing the teething rings over your eyes or over your third eye chakra to promote healing!
Happy Icing!
Little Teether