How to Raise Happy and Healthy Children
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How to Raise Happy and Healthy Children
Raising happy and healthy children is a goal for most parents, but it can be hard to figure out the best ways to foster health and happiness in your kids, especially when electronics and social media work against those goals if used in excess. With the right knowledge and practices, though, you can develop a desire in them to make healthy choices.
The biggest influence on the behavior of children is the behavior of the adults in their lives. Simply put, your kids are going to follow the patterns they see you following, according to Psych Central and decades of science, so prioritize healthy decision-making in your own life.
Here, Little Teether offers some tips you should consider!
Healthy Mind
The Child Development Institute points out that one of the most important things you can do to encourage your child’s mental health is to establish open lines of communication. Your kids have to know that they can talk to you and trust you. By building this trust when times are good, you are ensuring they turn to you when things get tough. Talk to your kids about stress management and give them the tools to handle times of crisis. Practice meditation together to help with focus and anxiety.
Interact positively with them, showing them affection and praising them when appropriate. Talk about emotions with your child, teaching them how to identify them early on. Show them how to handle emotions that might overwhelm them, like anger and fear. Reassure them that you are on their side and that whatever they feel, you can get through it together.
Purpose is essential to a person’s mental health, so let your children see you driven by your own sense of purpose. Pursue the dreams you always intended. If a degree is a goal for you, consider attending college classes online. Degrees in everything from marketing to accounting to nursing are available online, allowing you to work things around their own schedule. Watching your dreams become reality will show them that their dreams are attainable, too.
Healthy Body
Limit the number of processed foods and sugary drinks you keep in the house. Instead, focus on teaching your kids to enjoy cooking and eating healthy foods. Experiment in the kitchen together, letting your kids pick out recipes to try. Dabble in different cuisines from across the world, encouraging your children to try out new tastes and foods.
Encourage them to be active by planning family activities you can all enjoy. Take walks together after dinner or go swimming each weekend. Get their friends in on the activities when possible.
Participation in sports not only helps keep kids physically active, but it has also been shown to be beneficial to mental health. Enroll them in local sports clubs, or if team sports aren’t their thing, sign them up for martial arts classes or yoga classes.
Look for other, less traditional ways to get your kids active. Summer camps can be a great way to expose kids to fun new activities in short bursts. Alternatively, you can rent a vacation property to enjoy hiking, fishing, or just spending some time out on the lake. The more you can associate fun with the activity, the more likely your kids are going to want to maintain being active throughout their lives.
Raising happy and healthy kids is not an unattainable thing; it just requires work. Model the behaviors you want to see, keep an open line of communication, and engage with your kids in positive and active ways. By doing so, they’ll grow up to be the well-rounded, healthy individuals you've always wanted them to be.
-Emily Graham
Mighty Moms